Rapides Parish Library serves the citizens of Alexandria, LA.
The SMS Alerts service gives you the option to receive text messages from Rapides Parish Library on your mobile device. After you opt into SMS Alerts, Rapides Parish Library will send you text messages to bring an event to your attention, such as an overdue item or a hold ready for pickup. Contact the library for specific information about when you'll receive alerts.
You can choose to opt out of the SMS Alerts service at any time.
All Rapides Parish Library Alert services are originated from short codes 82453 or 35143. You will never receive any content from Rapides Parish Library from any other source.
To get help with the Rapides Parish Library SMS Alert text message service, you may email us at tmkirk@rpl.org.
You can also request our contact information from your mobile phone at any time by sending a text message with the word HELP to 82453 or 35143
To opt out from the Rapides Parish Library Alerts, send a text message with the word STOP, STOP ALL, END, QUIT, CANCEL or UNSUBSCRIBE to 82453 or 35143 from your mobile phone and we will unsubscribe you from our service. You will not receive any additional text messages via your mobile phone.
You may also opt out by logging into your patron record and updating your patron record.
Rapides Parish Library Alert is a monthly subscription service. Rapides Parish Library will send SMS alerts whenever you have new items that have become available for you to pick up. Message frequency is based on profile. Although Rapides Parish Library does not charge for this service, message and data rates may apply.